Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On track

Well this is as good a time as any to write something down...and it has been a long time!

I remember a while back reading a blog by one of my favourites, Amanda over at A Lady Scientist. She wrote about how hard it is to blog after you haven't written for a while - nothing seems important enough to write about.
It occurred to me that this is a similar thing as when you are in a long distance relationship or you have been away from your significant other for a while. It is really hard to connect. You haven't spoken for a while and it seems like you should have something profound to tell them. Once you get through the important details, there is nothing left because it just doesn't seem important to tell them where you ate lunch or about something bizarre you saw on the train.
I guess people who have experienced long distance relationships know how to deal with this, how to make it work for them.
I was away at 2 conferences, a course and another laboratory (all in different Australian cities) for 3 weeks earlier this year and I found staying in touch with my husband and Little Man really difficult. We spoke everyday, some times more than twice, and sometimes for hours but it just wasn't the same. I felt SO disconnected.
Of course, when I got home it was like I had never been away.
I guess I just started thinking about this today because I felt like writing in this blog. It appears that I am in the mood for rambling nonsensical chit chat - but all my best girlfriends are at work :) (will you be my bff, blog?).

Anyway, I am supposed to be writing a paper. Actually,that's not true. I am supposed to be writing three papers.
Revising one after reviewers comments, writing 2 others. And writing an abstracts for 2 conferences coming up.

And writing a grant.

Wtf? When am I actually supposed to be doing the science? Well, I managed to feed my adipocytes yesterday - (just read that again and it sounded like I just had lunch at McDonald's or something :) )
So I am very busy but I am enjoying it. In fact - I haven't been this happy in ages.

Aside from some significant professional accomplishments, I am back into my running, going most mornings. I have lost 5kgs which makes me fit into clothes i haven't worn in a while.

The weather is starting to warm up 31C today. And I am having a love affair....

...with my husband. I adore him.

And this is where I am ending this blog because it is getting out of control :)

Too much love and happiness can make one lose one's lunch!