Thursday, June 5, 2008

Busy, busy

So my presentation went really well.
With the help from my husband I had the confidence to speak to others about my work and here's the weird thing - I loved it! Like, really loved it. I got talking to a Professor who is interested in my work and wants to set up a collaboration that could see me doing some work at John Hopkins Institute in Baltimore. It was a brilliant day.
The more time goes on the more I think I have chosen the right path. Sure, there is no money in it but I like it. I like the challenge, the discovery process and (apparently) I like talk to people about my work. With the opportunity to travel, I think I may enjoy this after all. Who'd have thunk it?

So my supervisor comes back today from 6 weeks in the UK and we have a lot to talk about. I have had a very productive 6 weeks, and with a potential collaboration to discuss, I am quite looking forward to it.

In more exciting news - I am getting dressed up tonight for the first time in a long time (heels and everything!) to go and have cocktails and see the Sex and the City movie with my girlfriends. Very, very excited would be an understatement.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Dressing up and going to SATC sounds like a lot of fun! I'm glad that your presentation went well!