Monday, June 30, 2008

Ancient History

This morning I had to coordinate the move of a VERY old piece of laboratory equipment (older than me at least) that I use frequently. I have been looking forward to this as I have had to walk to other side of the hospital to use this machine all the time and it is a big waste of time and not available on weekends. (The explanation of the politics preventing this move for 2 years belongs in an entirely different post :) )

So, it wasn't until 5 big burly men turned up to move it that I realised how heavy it is! (120+kg) It took half the day to take it from one side of the hospital and install on the other side (and I haven't even plugged it all in yet!) It is such a lot of work for one piece of equipment that I am the only one using, yet I can't do without it.

So it got me thinking. This machine has done what I need it to do, almost every day for 2 years, and LOTS of people have used it before me. I can't imagine any of the newer pieces of equipment we use frequently lasting that long before it is superseded by incompatible technology. I imagine PCR will be around for a long time to come, but I doubt the thermocyclers we use now are going to be usable in 2o years. Or at least, the plates/tubes etc. won't be compatible.

Things are moving increasingly quickly aren't they?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Coming along nicely

Things are moving very well in my little world. My research proposal is in (finally!) and so are three abstracts that I have been working on for a while now.
I have set up a (relatively) lucrative collaboration (in fact, maybe two).

I am off to Melbourne for two successive conferences in August/September. I can't wait! I am ridiculously excited to have 2 weeks to myself to go running when I want, to eat when I want, not have to get anyone ready for school, take anyone to swimming lessons, not hang out washing etc (I think you get the idea). I know that I am going to miss Little Man and Husband terribly, but pining isn't my thing and I can't wait to do things for me.
Just about finished my paper too (well the second draft, so we will see what Fearless Leader says about it) I gave myself permission to take it easy today and I did all the housework and made dinner early.
Now it is almost time to pick little man up from school, hang out some washing and then go to swimming lessons....hmmm.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Conflicting ideas

This is probably a problem that many post graduate students suffer, all to vary degrees I would imagine. So I thought that because I have been experiencing it lately, it would be cathartic to write about it.
It revolves around the conflicting ideas/advice from two (or more) supervisors.
In Australia, when you choose supervisors for your project it makes sense to choose ones with different backgrounds and expertise, as it broadens the scope of the information that you can draw from. Right? Well, that is what I thought anyway. Turns out, my Clinical Supervisor 1 and my Molecular Genetics Supervisor 2 have very different ideas about what direction my project should take (I am currently writing my research proposal and several abstracts for conferences).

So what is the answer to this problem? Logically (and theoretically) you would take on all the advice and make your own decisions (like when raising children!) and I am trying to do this to some extent. But Clinical Supervisor 1 is very sure that his knowledge of genetics is as good as Mol. Gen. Supervisor 2 (it isn't...although it is remarkably good for a clinician) and he is my coordinating supervisor (ie. the one who pays my scholarship) and I do really respect him and all of his experience so I have gone ahead with his advice.

I just hope that I haven't disappointed Supervisor 2.
Do you think that I am worrying too much?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Busy, busy

So my presentation went really well.
With the help from my husband I had the confidence to speak to others about my work and here's the weird thing - I loved it! Like, really loved it. I got talking to a Professor who is interested in my work and wants to set up a collaboration that could see me doing some work at John Hopkins Institute in Baltimore. It was a brilliant day.
The more time goes on the more I think I have chosen the right path. Sure, there is no money in it but I like it. I like the challenge, the discovery process and (apparently) I like talk to people about my work. With the opportunity to travel, I think I may enjoy this after all. Who'd have thunk it?

So my supervisor comes back today from 6 weeks in the UK and we have a lot to talk about. I have had a very productive 6 weeks, and with a potential collaboration to discuss, I am quite looking forward to it.

In more exciting news - I am getting dressed up tonight for the first time in a long time (heels and everything!) to go and have cocktails and see the Sex and the City movie with my girlfriends. Very, very excited would be an understatement.

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have been preparing for my first proper presentation over the last few days. I have never actually presented my work in a public forum before but I had no trouble putting together all my slides and I knew all the things I wanted to say.

Then I actually tried to do it (once alone and once to Little Man). It was TERRIBLE! Even Little Man said - "What are you doing Mummy, you sound funny". I just couldn't make complete sentences let alone get it all to flow together for a cohesive and elegant summary of my work.

So, when Husband got home and I had my little crazy rant about how I am never going to be able to do this, maybe I should just be a waitress full time blah blah blah. He sat down with me and (painstakingly) went through every slide and he coached me and encouraged me. (He is a university lecturer so it is fair to say that he has had quite a bit of experience)

He taught me so much about the way to link points together and not to panic if I don't say something exactly the way I wanted to. He explained what I was doing wrong in the most gentle and encouraging way. He wouldn't agree to give the presentation for me but made me believe that I may just be able to do it on my own!

I have the greatest husband in the world.