Thursday, September 11, 2008

Computer heaven

Well, it has been quite a while since I have posted here.
This is due largely to the amount of things I have going on at the moment.
I have been travelling for work for the last three weeks. Starting with my first national conference (2 actually). I am not going to detail everything I have been doing in one post and will catch up slowly over the next few otherwise I am going to bore myself to death.

I have some sad news. My beloved and faithful computer died this week. Not only was the death sudden and shocking (involving a lot of strange noises) it also involved a significant amount of trauma because it took 3 weeks of hard work with it to computer heaven. Much swearing and crying ensued. Being thousands of miles from home and not organising a back up system was a mistake that I will NEVER make again (until next time of course!) Please, back up your work immediately. Particularly the work that you did every night for weeks into the wee hours (instead of enjoying yourself in all these cities you have been living in) so that the paper was perfect and new thesis chapters added.
Anyway, I have grieved now and am looking forward to moving on. Shopping continues....